After hours, there is a healthcare provider on call that may be reached by calling the clinic at 504-529-5558. The on call provider will not be able to give refills and is only to be used by established patients needing to discuss an urgent health issue that cannot wait until regular clinic hours. If you have an emergency please call 911 and go to the closest Emergency Room. Please notify us from the hospital if possible.
Fuera de nuestro horario usual, tenemos personal médico de turno que puede ser contactado llamando a la clínica al 504-529-5558. La persona de turno no puede rellenar prescripciones y solo puede asistir a los pacientes existentes que necesiten discutir temas de salud urgentes que no puedan esperar hasta las horas regulares de la clínica. Si tiene una emergencia, por favor llame al 911 y vaya a la sala de emergencias mas cercana. Por favor notifíquenos desde el hospital, si le es posible.
of patients report that seeing a provider within the same day or next day was very helpful.
of patients graded care at St. Thomas Community Health Center as “Good” or “Excellent” (2019)
of patients were “likely” or “very likely” to return.
Did you know? Taking PrEP once a day can decrease the risk of contracting HIV by up to 99%
St. Thomas is looking for individuals to join us in our mission to provide culturally competent healthcare of the highest quality, regardless of the ability to pay. We offer competitive salary and excellent benefits.
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